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Steven PAN

Executive Director,Founding Partner,Lawyer,Patent Attorney
Areas of expertise:investment and financing,family wealth management,Intellectual property

Work Experience

Mr. Pan is the founding partner of Zhilin Law Firm. He has over 20 years of professional experience.

Mr.Pan specialises in intellectual property law. He has substantial experience in intellectual property procurement and portfolio management, patent invalidation and litigation, technology licensing, intellectual property strategy planning and management system construction, operation of intellectual property rights and other matters related to intellectual property rights. He also provides legal opinions for foreign companiese seeking market entry/expansion in China and domestic companies seeking market entry/expansion overseas.

Professional Qualification

Lawyer, patent agent, securities qualification, fund qualification, qualification of independent Director, TEP(Trust and Estate Practitioner)

Social Activities

Expert of Boya Education Sci-Tech Institute of Peking University, Enterprise Mentor of Beijing Returnees’ Incubator Association for Science and Technology (RIAS)

Educational Background

Tsinghua University, Electromagnetic Feld and Microwave Technology, Master of Engineering

China University of Political Science and Law, Economic Law, Master of Laws

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Communication Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering

Working Language

Chinese, English